Dave Foley Biography

Dave Foley photo

Born: January 04, 1963


Date of Birth: January 4, 1963

"I always assumed famous people have something about them that makes them more recognizable than ordinary people. Now that I am, I guess, a famous person, I realize that, no...it's just being on television." ­Dave Foley

A native of Toronto, Canada, actor/writer Dave Foley was the son of a steamfitter. At the age of 18, he dropped out of an alternative high school to do stand-up. After meeting Kevin McDonald at an improv class while the two were employed as movie ushers, they began working as a comedy team. He points out, "Playing a scene with Kevin is like the easiest thing in the world, since we know each other's rhythms so well after working together for 14 years." In 1984 they merged with another team to form the Kids in the Hall.

Using the wide success of Kids in the Hall as a springboard, Foley entered into a number of projects including both film and television. He had a big role in Disney's A Bug's Life, voicing the lead role of the ant, Flik. He had arrived at the audition more interested in meeting a member of the crew than getting the part. While not doing movies, he has been working on yet another successful television show, NewsRadio. His most recent project is the film Servitude (2012) about a man who has decide between quitting his restaurant job and keeping his girlfriend.

In 1983, he met Tabitha Southey in a vintage clothing store. Eight years later they were married. They had two sons, Edmund in 1991 and Basil in 1995. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last and they were divorced in 1997. Foley married Crissy Guerrero in 2002. They have a daughter, Alina, who plays little Claire Brady on the daytime drama Days of Our Lives.

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