pa! Winnipeg's Nia Vardalos and co-star John Corbett have millions of reason to celebrate. Their film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, recently became the highest grossing independent movie ever, surpassing the $140.5 million scared up by The Blair Witch Project. The PG-rated comedy has also outgrossed many of this year's big-budget Hollywood films such as XXX, Minority Report, and even Road to Perdition starring Tom Hanks who is one of the producers of the film (along with his wife, Rita Wilson). Originally developed by Vardalos as a one-woman stage show, talk has already started about a possible sequel and even a television series based on the film. Vardalos has said she is amazed by the response to the movie which was shot in Toronto and distributed in Canada by Equinox.
  "All I ever wished was that we would make our $5 million back. If it had been shown in the basement of Greek churches, I would have been happy."