hey don't come any more charming than Colin Farrell. The 25-year-old actor from Dublin, Ireland made quite an impression on moviegoers and critics in his North American big screen debut as Roland Bozz, a rebellious Texan who stands up to his drill sergeant in Joel Schumacher's gritty war picture, Tigerland.

  "Colin Farrell is going to be a huge star," said Schumacher during a lengthy interview while promoting Tigerland at last year's Toronto International Film Festival. "He has no inhibitions, no ego, and just wants to work hard. Colin has leading man qualities, but not the leading man attitude. Mark my words, that will take him far."

  The son of a former professional footballer for the Shamrock Rovers, Farrell originally intended to follow in his father's footsteps but decided to try his hand at acting. He landed a role in the Irish TV series Ballykissangel as a working-class drifter, Danny Byrne, and had a small role in Tim Roth's The War Zone. It wasn't until Schumacher was in London trying to find fresh young actors to star in Tigerland that Farrell's sister convinced him to try out, and the rest, they say, is history.

  True to Schumacher's words, one year later, Colin Farrell has gone far. This past August, Farrell starred in the western American Outlaws as the legendary bank robber Jesse James. He practically took over the picture with his good looks and charismatic nature.

  This past year has been an absolute whirlwind for Farrell. He has completed filming three major films that will inevitably push him into the leading man stratosphere. First off, he reunited with Schumacher to shoot the claustrophobic suspense thriller Phone Booth. Next up, he flew to Prague to co-star opposite Bruce Willis in Hart's War, a film which takes place in a German POW camp in Belgium circa, 1944.

  Farrell takes all of this in stride when I ask him how he's been handling this past year of incredible roles and instantaneous attention from magazines and talk shows. "I'm fine, I'm just working hard," he says, patting my hand and looking at me like I'm more concerned about what is about to happen with his career than he is. He continues, "I'm only 25, so I can handle the work and besides, nobody knows who I am so it's not like I'm famous or anything."

  "Pardon me?" I say with astonishment. "Nobody knows who I am," he retorts. "Look, I've had nothing released yet, maybe a lot of people in the industry have heard about me, but I've had nothing released so I haven't had to deal with that stuff yet. I don't know," he says, finally drinking it all in. "If it happens, I'm ready. I'll be fine. I'll just play it by ear, take it day by day."

  To top off his amazing year - sorry girls - but Farrell just got married to his sweetheart, 19-year-old Amelia Warner. In fact, during the time he was giving interviews for American Outlaws they had only been married a week, and during frequent breaks, the couple snuck in some hugs and kisses every chance they got. So it looks like things are right on track for Farrell and - ready or not - this young actor is about to make his mark on Hollywood.

- Bonnie Laufer-Krebs