aries march 21-april 20
The "Why bother?" mood fades, quickly replaced by "When do I start?" Fortunately, interesting opportunities seem to arrive by the nanosecond. Intuition proves a sure guide to knowing when to seize the moment and when to stall for time. Meanwhile, a romantic co-star stops demanding retakes after the 19th, setting the scene for lasting romance. A financial weight is removed after the 20th, but you'd be wise to keep at least one foot on the ground.

taurus april 21-may 21
So much of your life scenario is still on the story boards. Still, some interesting plot lines are in store this month. You're able to rise to just about any challenge and succeed, especially around the 10th. Bonus: your self-confidence also gets a nice boost. The 20th kicks off a long-term cycle in which money matters - a lot. Peace returns when you loosen up and look for new opportunities. An important proposal gets the green light around the 28th.

gemini may 22-june 21
Have you been miscast? Those around you seem so alien. In reality, they’re just people with different points of view. Listen up, expand your outlook and learn new ways of doing things. After the 19th, productivity and cooperation are easier to come by from everyone and much is accomplished. A chance meeting around the 27th brings someone who seems too good to be true your way. This could lead to a big-screen-worthy romantic scene or two if you follow up.

cancer june 22-july 22
Step out of your usual supporting role and take the director's chair. Around the 8th, especially, let those in charge know you're ready to take on a project. Midmonth, you're dreamy and giddy with spring. Fortunately, a potential new co-star is in tune with your madness. Issues from the past can no longer be ignored after the 20th, but your dreams help provide creative solutions to them. Just be careful of misplaced trust around the 28th, especially if money is involved.

leo july 23-aug 23
Romance takes center stage most of the month. If casting a new co-star, improvised lines work the best. Mark the 3rd as a time when your eyelashes can set new batting records. Your charisma is high mid-month, but dim your brilliance at work. Otherwise, you may incur some unwelcome jealousy. Your  

Kate Hudson, Aries
born April 19, 1979

  Aries are usually up-front kind of people, brimming with enthusiasm and natural gifts. With a strongly placed Mars, this is an exceptionally strong-minded young lady, quite capable of going against her doting parents' wishes.
  Aries are also pioneers, and Kate's chart shows someone quite capable of finding her own way in life. Result: a string of good notices for appearances in independent films in 1999. She also was named one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People" that year. This success was quickly followed by being cast in Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous. Her star continues to shine brightly throughout 2001, which should be a banner year for her in many ways.

nose is tied squarely to the domestic grindstone until the 23rd. Don't let home-related concerns sap all your energy. Get away from it all on the 28-29th if you can.

virgo aug 24-sept 23
The Full Moon on the 7th throws a spotlight on a joint financial venture. Two heads are better than one then and you may strike a new deal or two. You're in for a few eye-opening experiences on the career front from the 12-16th. Armed with clearer vision, you can then make a key decision. After the 14th, the state of your union claims your attention. You may have to cede some territory, so try to give in gracefully. Your quiet charm works
wonders during the final week.

libra sept 24-oct 23
Gather ye rosebuds during a lighthearted trend. You'll see progress at last in a key relationship or a new romance may bloom. Go ahead, voice your true feelings around the 7th and enjoy the positive results. After the 21st, excellent trends prevail for expanding your mind through travel or literature. It's also an optimum time for a getaway - why not go for it? From the 27th on, resist all risky investments, however tempting. It'll only prove a case of frying pan into the fire.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
A nose-to-the-grindstone approach works best early in the month. Keeping your head low and on the ball helps you duck flak at the office. Chin up after the 10th, though, when a lighter trend kicks in. You may schedule a home improvement or decorating project, or opt for a makeover on the 17th. Sometimes luck is on your side, a fact that's tangibly demonstrated on the 26th when a happy surprise comes your way. The final week is laid-back and enjoyable.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
Spring fever strikes, luring your thoughts far, far away. Why not follow the lead and indulge your wanderlust? Travel and new friendships are especially favored around the 7th. Flag the 19th as a good time for patching things up with a romantic partner. Greater commitment can be yours if you wish, but don't make promises that will prove too burdensome later. Meanwhile, follow up on a career opportunity and get it in writing by the 27th.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
You seem to have gone through Alice's looking glass. Everything that was so difficult last month is suddenly easy. Capitalize on a positive and constructive trend early in the month. The way out of a money dilemma may come to you in a dream on the 8th. After the 20th, you can negotiate just about anything with work colleagues and significant others. But finalize all before the 26th, after which misunderstandings become common.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
You may as well install a revolving door at home, since friends and colleagues use you as a second home base. You throw some impromptu parties that draw stellar reviews. At work, you also dazzle, this time with creative financial solutions on the 5th or 16th. You can speak your heart on the 20th, and it will be understood. If the affair ends, it's for the best. Avoid mixing in a friend's troubles on the 28th.

pisces feb 19-march 20
The big picture comes sharply into focus. You're suddenly able to see what's really important in all areas of your life. In fact, a spiritual awakening could occur on the 10th. After the 20th, you turn your attention to home improvements. Use your artistic eye, but make security and safety a top priority. The month ends on a positive note, and the future outlook appears bright and shiny. Extend your reach and be ready to grab the brass ring.

                                                       Susan Kelly