ever mind. This year you'll arrive fashionably late and looking fab for your own post-Oscar party at your local pub.
First thing to consider is your wardrobe. You want to show
up with a winner's look about you. That's why you've assembled various items beforehand so that if American Beauty wins instead of The Green Mile you'll have the clothes on hand to suggest you knew that all along.
   For American Beauty, for instance, you'll want something suggestive of contemporary suburban America - a touch of rayon or perhaps something in a flower print. If The Green Mile triumphs, you'll want to look chic in a Depression-era number topped with a period hat.
Almost anything goes when it comes to the 

food, just steer clear of things "kabobbed."  No real post-Oscar party would have anything even resembling a pointed stick on hand with all those bruised egos running amok looking for an eye to poke out.
   Booze is, of course, de rigeur. In homage to The Cider House Rules may we recommend at least one order of Okanagan Cider. After that, you're on your own.
   The only other thing you need to make your post Oscar party a success is attitude. Be sure to have plenty of it on hand. And, remember, should anyone ask you to say a few words, please keep your comments to under a minute.
- Angela Phinlay