ou know someone's got it going on when your moniker suggests something that gives extra punch, flavour or spice to something. That special something is the hip hop game, and that unique someone is L.A. rapper Krystal Johnson now known as Ak'Sent. At only 18, Ak'Sent tells Teen Tribute that she wants her first major label debut, International (EMI Music), to be as successful as it is inspirational.

Why did you decide to get into hip hop?
Once I knew I had it in me, and the talent for it, I wanted to master being an artist. And more importantly, as soon as I found out I actually enjoyed doing it, is when I took it seriously.

Does rapping take practice?
It does if you want to get better at it. When I'm in the studio that's where I get to practice. I would like to practice more, but there's a lot I need to do right now to get myself out there right now which takes time.

What do you hope will set you apart and make it?
I'm 18 and young in the game and I hope my music is inspirational to young girls. I'm an example of someone who's from South Central L.A., someone who's conquered society to do what I needed to do to achieve my goals.

Where does the inspiration for your rhymes come from?
Life issues and stuff that I've gone through. I've been through a lot in my life and this whole album is basically all about me.

In your song "My Life" you get really personal.
I was thinking of my dad (who passed away) for the
most part when I wrote that song. I went through a lot of struggles but I was able to conquer them. With this song, I basically painted a picture of my life and where I wanted to go.

You do a cool sampling of Kris Kross's "Jump" on "Krunk." How did that come about?
I was only five but I've always remembered it! They had such an impact. Everyone knows that song. My manager and I talked about how "Jump" had so much 

influence. Kris Kross said they may be in the video for it!

On the title track "International" you have a choir of kids singing.
Yeah, they are four young girls from my community. I got the idea from Jay-Z's "Hard Knock Life" because I am such a Jay-Z fan. I love the innocence of the kids' voices on it.

Who are some artists that give you inspiration?
Jay-Z. He's just clever. It's just the way he's done it all. The way he built a life and name for himself from the ground up. Queen Latifah also inspires me a lot. She's gone so far in the industry which is something I look up to.

Who would you love to work with?
I would love to someday work with Jay-Z or Eminem or Dr. Dre. There are so many!

- Toni-Marie Ippolito