n Doom 3 you are a space marine newly transferred to a Mars station. Your job is to find out why so many people are going missing. A freak turn of events suddenly plunges you into a fight for your life as you try to make your way through the dark and eerie zombie-infested Mars Colony.

  With life-like animation and creatures that are as frightening as they are original, Doom 3
delivers when it comes to graphics and you'll be amazed by how they push the boundaries of Xbox capabilities.The sound effects - from the noise of your pistol to the chilling screams of creatures as they lunge at you - are perfect.

  Doom 3 also comes with many unique features. Game play uses your standard first-person shooter HUD (Heads Up Display), and adds the use of an in-game PDA (Personal Data Assistant) that allows you to check objectives and receive e-mails. Another unique part of Doom 3 is that while you have your trusty flashlight in use you cannot have a weapon out. So, when you're walking down a dark corridor and a creature jumps out at you, there's a thrilling moment as you scramble to get out a weapon. The weapons in Doom 3 range from your good old shotgun to the always-fun mini-gun. Other cool and fun weapons include the chainsaw and the mysterious soul cube.

  The designers of Doom 3 kept the controls simple which makes the game quick and easy to learn. For multiplayers, Doom 3 offers your standard deathmatch option as well as a variety of other game types on a large selection of maps. Xbox Live multiplayer is also available, adding an additional level of game play so you never get bored.

  Also available on Xbox Live is the cooperative campaign mode that allows you to play through the single player campaign with a friend. An improvement for future versions of the game is to have the cooperative campaign mode available on split-screen.

  In the end, developer ID Software was right on the money when creating Doom 3. It's a fast-paced first-person shooting thriller that lives up to the legacy created by the previous Doom games.

- Chris T.W. Doyle