op musician Christine Evans is garnering critical praise not just for her beautiful singing voice, but for her prolific songwriting skills. The 16-year-old British Columbia native proves she's an ambitious artist and her new, aptly titled second disc Push is proof she is set to push herself to the limits as an artist.
  Currently enrolled at the Interlochen Academy, an arts school in Michigan with famous alum including jazz/pop singer Norah Jones, Evans acknowledges that although she's made amazing headway in the industry so far, she still has a ways to go.
  "I draw from experiences in my own life and the things that are going on around me," says Evans. "I want to address topics and stories. Even if I totally make them up or even if it's about somebody else, no matter who's listening I want to make sure that everyone can relate."
  Her live tour, which the singer says was a great experience and loads of fun, proved to be more successful than the singer had anticipated. Evans felt she needed to give back to society by donating to a charitable organization. "When I first started, I wanted to find a balance between what I love to do with a cause. I thought of Kids Help Phone. I thought it was a perfect fit because my songs talk about issues and situations."
  In fact, Evans donates $1 from every copy
of Push sold. "We're also selling wristbands and dog tags online (christine-evans.com) and at shows," says Evans. So far, Evans has raised $20,000 to ensure kids and teens have an outlet to talk about issues and their problems.
-Toni-Marie Ippolito